5 Essential points of a Field Marketing strategy

A well-defined communication strategy is fundamental to the success of any company. A link has to be made between what the brand offers and what the market is looking for, and here, a strategic communication plan is a great help. To reach who the company wants, it is necessary to have a specific target audience and to know them well. This allows a company to adapt the communication strategy and the offer according to that same public.

In addition to studying the target, it is also necessary to know the competition and the market that already exists in the area. This benchmarking helps you to better understand what already exists in order to adapt and explore market opportunities.

Field marketing covers several types of marketing activities to be put into practice “on the ground”. These activities include any type of face-to-face relationship with potential buyers, street promotions, experimental marketing with the public, pamphlets and other types of strategies that relate the target audience directly to the product.

After we have full knowledge of what we are going to offer, to whom we are going to offer and how and by what means we are going to be able to do it, there are four points that we must always take into account:

1. Define the objectives

The definition of the final objective is fundamental for any strategy. It is what guides all decision making. Without this objective, we are moving into the unknown and without a strategy, something that can cause mistakes and constant changes in the way of communicating. Even when dealing with possible partnerships and customers, it is always imperative to have a focus. Most brands will want to work with someone who has something in mind, not something empty.

2. How to achieve the objectives

Once the objective has been determined, it is necessary to know how to achieve it. There are several ways in which an entrepreneur can reach his goal. Although there are numerous variants from business to business, it is up to a company to adapt to the environment and find the best and most effective way for the success of the project.

One of the most effective ways of promoting a new product, which was most used in a pre-pandemic scenario, was offering free samples and testing to the community. The temporary stands at the door of some stores served to captivate the customer and make known what we want to sell.

With the new normality, which involves distance, the same scenario can be done through a digital offer and a closer remote contact with interested parties using chatbots or virtual presentations. Final goal: to make the public connected to the product.

3. Provide the best possible technology to the seller

Especially in phases of social distancing, the virtual world shoots as a sales channel. Having a field marketeer equipped with the best technologies for interacting with the public is an important step in order to succeed more quickly.

Often it is not about having the latest or the best technology, but about having the most functional. In the long run it is fundamental that there is an automation of the sales cycles. In case the company grows exponentially, it becomes very difficult for a person to handle this process.

Good software should also allow the salesperson to be able to quickly check his work against his colleagues. Seeing what goals you managed to achieve can be a source of motivation, as well as devising strategies to eventually improve what is being done.

In an increasingly digital world, access to information must be immediate and in this case, it is essential for any salesperson or any company.

4. Compare results with objectives

The sales process is a cycle and, reaching this last stage, it is necessary to go back to the beginning and check if everything has been achieved and how the objectives were achieved (or not). It will depend on company to company and the expectations that are created in the project. It is a simple account to do since the sellers have been making updates through the software over a period of time. That said, it is enough to check if the objectives have been fulfilled and if they were achieved by the means outlined initially.

Generally, this review of the entire process takes place via a meeting at the end of the time previously defined for the completion of the initial objective. If something has failed, the problem must be detected and corrected. It cannot be a reformulation of the whole process and objectives, but there has to be some change, however small.

Eyebrand helps you to have an effective field marketing and digital field marketing strategy, translating your investment into sales.

Schedule a video call with us now so we can help you promote your product.

2021, a year of many challenges

2021 is going to be a year with many challenges, so your Field Marketing actions will be more important than ever. Eyebrand wants to help you along this path, both in actions at the point of sale and in digital channels. Schedule a call with us and we will share ideas.